Week 1: Introduction week at Little Villa Ngongotaha!

Mealtime routines in the center

This week was my first time working full time as a Primary Registered teacher in the Up to 2's area (Baby area). There are usually 3 to 4 teachers working simultaneously as a team to make sure the day to day running of the baby area is up to standard and running smoothly.

The children were eating at the table and I observed the other teacher with me repeatedly instructing every child to use their spoon provided to eat their food, not their hands. They were also told not to play at the table while eating. The end result was messy however, it was an enriching learning experience to observe children younger than two learning table manners at this stage.

My prior assumptions as a Primary school trained teacher led me to believe that it was normal for children at this age not to be taught table manners as it is fully encouraged and emphasized (from personal experience) until the age of 5. I was surprised and humbled to notice my assumptions were wrong and bias.

On this occasion, my role as the support teacher was observing and supporting those children that needed help feeding themselves with a spoon. Also monitoring and correcting children's active behavior during mealtimes.

The only thing I would change is to model the behavior of what is expected from the children instead of verbally repeating myself. Singing a song or rhyme to help model behavior will hopefully help emphasize instruction.

Research that will support the change is from Our Code, Our Standards document by the Education Council (2018). This type of strategy refers to the value 'Whakamana'. A value that empowers learners to reach their full potential with guidance and support provided by high-quality teaching and leadership. The code of Professional Responsibility is 'Commitment to Learners'  by promoting inclusive practices to support the needs and abilities of all learners. Finally, the standards focus on the 'Learning-Focused culture' which is focussed on learning and is characterized by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety.

To make sure this strategy can be measured appropriately and realistically at this age I will use a developmental strategy introduced by Vygotsky named 'Zone of Proximal Development'. 

"The distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers" (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).

Applying Vygotsky's theory and what I have learned will hopefully help improve and enhance my abilities as a teacher in the ECE sector.


Education Council. (2018, June 28). Our Code, Our Standards. Retrieved from Education Council: https://educationcouncil.org.nz/sites/default/files/Our%20Code%20Our%20Standards%20web%20booklet%20FINAL.pdf

McLeod, S. (2012). Simply Psychology. Retrieved from Vygotsky - Zone of Proximal Development: https://www.simplypsychology.org/Zone-of-Proximal-Development.html

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
